Get started on your journey to learning French with the FRENCH in 10 minutes a day® BOOK + AUDIO program! This comprehensive language-learning kit is designed to guide you each Step of the way, introducing new words, phrases and sentences, and providing you with plenty of opportunities to practice speaking and listening to French.
When purchased from our website, you’ll receive the audio program in two formats: CDs and a bonus MP3 download which lets you start learning immediately. With the help of your audio instructors, you’ll become comfortable hearing and speaking the language and confident in your pronunciation.
Each Audio Step has a corresponding Step in the FRENCH in 10 minutes a day® book. You will read the new words you’re hearing and practice with written exercises, puzzles and games. Finally, the book’s companion Software can be downloaded to your Mac or PC, providing even more reinforcement and making your learning experience all the more engaging and effective.
- The 10 minutes a day® Series is your first step in language learning. This program lays the groundwork to springboard you to the next level. You'll understand how the components of the language work so you'll have the flexibility to use the language for any situation.
- The 10 minutes a day® method guarantees success—all you need to do is set aside 10 minutes a day. When you do a little bit every day, you reinforce your learning and progress quickly. Whether you're doing the exercises or playing with the interactive modules, being consistent every day will help you to become comfortable and make this new language yours.
- The program is designed so you can work at your own pace. There is no set speed or time limit. If you want to do more than 10 minutes a day, keep going. Just remember, let the process be fun.
- The AUDIO CDs personally guide you through every Step of learning French. Together, with your audio instructor, you'll hear the words, say them aloud, use them in sentences and practice patterns. Exercises from the book are complemented in the audio program to give you expanded opportunities to practice. And because everyone speaks differently, a wide range of voices is used to acquaint you with the variety of accents you're sure to encounter. When you hear your new language every day, you train your ear, improve your speaking skills and build your confidence.
- Music and sound effects are part of the program to enhance your experience and create a learning environment you'll enjoy.
- Designed to look like a child's workbook, the 10 minutes a day® book is an approachable and fun program for everyone. It covers the material equivalent to more than a year of high school French or the first quarter of French at university. It's a refreshing alternative to boring textbooks and you'll be surprised at how much you learn.
- The program focuses on words you'll use when traveling. You'll learn Key Question Words so you can ask for what you need; money and numbers so you can shop and pay bills; directions so you can get around town smoothly, and so much more to make your experiences abroad enjoyable.
- Study aids and fun activities such as word games, puzzles and interactive modules are academically sound and strategically interwoven into the program. They're engaging and most importantly, they're designed to help you succeed.
- The program gives you a variety of ways to fit learning into your daily routine. Place the Sticky Labels around your home and office, then say the new word every time you see it. Use the interactive software to review during coffee breaks. Take the Cut-out Menu Guide to your local restaurant and practice ordering in your new language. Download the audio to your MP3 player or smartphone and learn while you commute or exercise. With so many ways to practice, it's easy to make learning your new language a part of your lifestyle.
- FRENCH in 10 minutes a day® AUDIO CDs:
Let the audio program guide you through each Step. Follow along as it introduces you to a new word and practice aloud—first a word, then a phrase, then sentences and questions—all in your best French accent! Use the book to read and write what you just heard on the audio program. You'll reinforce what you learned and accelerate your progress. - The FRENCH in 10 minutes a day® 132-page illustrated workbook:
Use the book to guide you, step-by-step, through learning and speaking French. - FRENCH in 10 minutes a day® language learning software:
Use the interactive modules to hear the words, practice and play, track your score and have fun! (PC and Mac friendly) - Full color throughout:
Color illustrations and an easy-to-read format visually engage you. - 150 Sticky Labels (both in the book and for your computer):
Place the Sticky Labels around your home and office to learn new words without any extra time or effort. Use the interactive Sticky Labels module on your computer to hear the words, practice and improve. - Ready-made Flash Cards (both in the book and for your computer):
Take the ready-made Flash Cards with you and review your vocabulary on the go. Use the interactive Flash Card module on your computer to hear the words and test yourself. - Cut-out Menu Guide:
Practice at your local restaurant and take it on your trip. - Pronunciation Guide:
With the Guide and simple phonetics above each French word, it's easy to begin speaking French with the correct pronunciation. - Over 300 "Free Words":
Sounding similar to their English counterparts, these French words take no extra effort to add to your vocabulary. - Glossary of over 2,000 new words, definitions, and pronunciation:
You can quickly look up a French word, its pronunciation and definition. - Already have the book and now want the set of six AUDIO CDs too? Simply go to the Quick Order page and add them to your shopping cart.